USERS: Transporters, handlers, manufacturers or storers of chemicals or dangerous goods. SIZES IMDG DIAMOND 100 x 100mm 250 x 250mm 400 x 400mm

STANDARDS: Full conformity with NZS 5433:1999 Transport of Dangerous Goods on Land ORDERING Specify code number, wording on sign and size.
SA = self-adhesive

HAZCHEM ACTION CODES: Provides immediate visual identity of truck tank contents in event of emergency or accident.

RELATED DATA: Hazardous Substances Transport Safety This page contains recently updated IMDG signage. Check your compliance status with a DC Sign Systems site and transport signage survey.

  • Non Hazardous


    Non Hazardous

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Your Brand or Message


    Your Brand or Message

    295 x 295, 400 x 400

  • Marine Pollutant

    MP1 S/A

    Marine Pollutant

    100 x 100, 250 x 250

  • Fumigation Warning

    DG2 S/A

    Fumigation Warning

    300 x 250

  • Elevated Temperature

    BIT 5 S/A

    Elevated Temperature

    250 x 250 x 250

  • Hazchem Tanker Panels

    HCT1 S/A

    Hazchem Tanker Panels

    400 x 600

  • Miscellaneous DG

    CLASS 9 S/A

    Miscellaneous DG

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Mixed Loads


    Mixed Loads

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Toxic Gas 2.3

    CLASS 2.3 S/A

    Toxic Gas 2.3

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Flammable Liquid

    CLASS 3 S/A

    Flammable Liquid

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Flammable Solid

    CLASS 4.1 S/A

    Flammable Solid

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Spontaneously Combustible

    CLASS 4.2 S/A

    Spontaneously Combustible

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Dangerous When Wet

    CLASS 4.3 S/A

    Dangerous When Wet

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Oxidising Agent

    CLASS 5.1 S/A

    Oxidising Agent

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Organic Peroxide

    CLASS 5.2 S/A

    Organic Peroxide

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Toxic Substance

    CLASS 6.1 S/A

    Toxic Substance

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Infectious Substance

    CLASS 6.2 S/A

    Infectious Substance

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Radioactive I

    CLASS 7.1 S/A

    Radioactive I

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Explosive IMDG

    CLASS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 S/A

    Explosive IMDG

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Radioactive II

    CLASS 7.2 S/A

    Radioactive II

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Explosive 1.4

    CLASS 1.4 S/A

    Explosive 1.4

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Radioactive III

    CLASS 7.3 S/A

    Radioactive III

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Class 1.5

    CLASS 1.5D S/A

    Class 1.5

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Fissile

    CLASS 7 S/A


    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Explosive 1.6

    CLASS 1.6N S/A

    Explosive 1.6

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Corrosive

    CLASS 8 S/A


    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Flammable Gas 2.1

    CLASS 2.1.1A, 2.1.2A S/A

    Flammable Gas 2.1

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400

  • Non Flammable Gas 2.2

    CLASS 2.2 S/A

    Non Flammable Gas 2.2

    100 x 100, 250 x 250, 400 x 400