EXIT SIGNAGE LEGIBILITY GUIDE VIEWING CAPITAL DISTANCE LETTER HEIGHT 0-20m 50mm 0-16m 75mm 16-24m 100mm 24-32m 150mm APPLICATIONS In every commercial, public and private workplace, or in any place where people congregate, indoors or outdoors.

ORDERING: Specify code number, wording on sign and size. All signs are manufactured from rigid PVC unless otherwise specified.
SA = self-adhesive
DS = double sided
GL = luminous option

RELATED DATA: Fire Equipment BUILDING WARRANT OF FITNESS (F8/AS1 2012) These signs are fully compliant under Section F8 of the Building Regulations 2012 to achieve Building Warrant of Fitness.
Contact Deneefe for current compliance information.

HOW LUMINOUS SIGNAGE WORKS: When lights fail, luminous messages remain visible in darkness. In emergencies they are critical for showing exits, particularly when seconds count. They are re-energised by artificial light and daylight.

  • Exit

    G40 PVC


    G40 295 x 110 G60 400 x 165 G80 555 x 220 Add "DS" for double sided

  • <- Exit

    G42 PVC

    <- Exit

    G42 410 x 110 G62 555 x 165 G82 780 x 220 Add "DS" for double sided

  • Exit ->

    G43 PVC

    Exit ->

    G43 410 x 110 G63 555 x 165 G83 780 x 220 Add "DS" for double sided

  • Emergency Exit

    G50 PVC

    Emergency Exit

    G50 500 x 220 G70 675 x 305 G90 1015 x 440 Add "DS" for double sided

  • <- Emergency Exit

    G52 PVC

    <- Emergency Exit

    G52 500 x 220 G72 675 x 305 G92 1015 x 440 Add "DS" for double sided

  • Emergency Exit ->

    G53 PVC

    Emergency Exit ->

    G53 500 x 220 G73 675 x 305 G93 1015 x 440 Add "DS" for double sided

  • Various Emergency Labels

    G8 S/A

    Various Emergency Labels

    110 x 60

  • Emergency Exit, Alarmed

    G4C PVC

    Emergency Exit, Alarmed

    500 x 315

  • Emergency Exit, Keep Clear

    G4D PVC

    Emergency Exit, Keep Clear

    500 x 315

  • Luminous Exit Sign

    Example of GL40 PVC

    Luminous Exit Sign

    Replace G with GL for Luminous option

  • Luminous Exit Sign

    Example of GL53 PVC

    Luminous Exit Sign

    Replace G with GL for Luminous option